What isnomis Nomis?

Nomis is an onchain identity protocol allowing users to use their onchain reputation for tailored web3 experiences, special rates, and reward eligibility. It also offers builders a scoring infrastructure to provide custom terms and benefits to users.

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Unlock Your EYWA Reputation and Join Airdrop Season 2

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Your EYWA Score gives you points in Season 2 of EYWA’s airdrop in anticipation of their TGE on December 5th. The higher your score, the higher your bonus multiplier. For example, if your score is under 60, your bonus will equal to (your score)*15 points. If your score is between 60 and 80, score*18 points And for scores 80+, score*20 points (up to 2000 points maximum) So it really pays off to have a score above 80.
Your score depends on your wallet address’ volume of swaps between any of the Ethereum, Optimism, BSC, Polygon, Fantom, Arbitrum One, and Avalanche chains. All swaps must be done via CrossCurve at: app.crosscurve.fi Your score is updated within 24 hours of you making the swaps. Once you are happy with your score, mint it as an NFT and your bonus reward will equal a multiple of your score based on the above criteria.
EYWA is a unified cross-chain liquidity market designed to solve the issue of fragmented liquidity. It’s powered by the Consensus Bridge—an aggregated data transfer protocol and omni-chain token bridge. The EYWA DEX, known as CrossCurve, is a cross-chain trading and yield protocol that consolidates liquidity by integrating existing Curve pools with over $2 billion in TVL.
🏆 EYWA Score Leaderboard



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What isnomis Nomis?

Nomis is an onchain identity protocol allowing users to use their onchain reputation for tailored web3 experiences, special rates, and reward eligibility. It also offers builders a scoring infrastructure to provide custom terms and benefits to users.

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